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Human Brain and Learning

Human Brain- Neurons Connection

⦁ A typical human brain has 86 billion neurons or nerve cells.These neurons connect together in a certain way to solve particular problem or to plan something.This means the brain (neurons) takes different shapes. Technically , the human brain hardware changes(switches) ; computer hardware is fixed (unchangeable). The more complicated shapes a human brain takes, the more complicated issues can it achieve. The more complicated issues can it achieve, the more brain capacity is used. The more brain capacity is used, the more creative a human becomes. Based on this scientific truth , our children should solve or plan gradually more complicated issues specially in the early classes ; based on this scientific truth , our education system must be built .

Neurons Connection

Brain used Capacity

Learning Process has three steps . Firstly , the human brain recognizes things and patterns (recognition).Secondly , it puts the information in a form that can be stored in the memory and recalled from the memory at any later time (comprehend). Finally ,it stores the information in the memory (storage). The information first stays circa 24 hours in the short memory . During this period of time , the information must be moved from the short memory to the long memory to keep it in our brain ,otherwise we lost it. Students therefore have to review the information during this 24 hours period and the best time to do it is direct before sleep. Linguistics call it sleep learning.

Storing of Information in the Human Brain

Chocolate may enhance or improve cognitive performance and that is your ability to acquire and utilize knowledge. Essentially , cognitive reserve is the idea of building up extra abilities to help protect the brain against declining memory or thinking ; brain training is where you are learning ways to increase your memory or intelligence by learning two languages equally well and music.

Human brain and music

The music invokes the wide open spaces of the prairies ; good music and Ballads force you to think , create , and invent.

" The theory of relativity occurred to me by intuition, and music was the driving force behind that intuition." -Albert Einstein . The music piece or the ballad enters the brain as an audio signal and it takes its path in the brain to the temporal lope(Hearing),where it will be processed. If the ballad meets criteria like particular value for different frequencies inside the song, particular value for signal energy, and low noise (ideal case zero noise), the temporal lope part sends an impulse to the U- shape part of the brain to activate it. The activated U-shape part forces the neurons to take shapes for creation and invention.

Linguistics speak of the voiced and unvoiced sounds, rhythm pattern, and rhyme. Musicians speak of chords inside the one key like MacArthur park in D minor, Hurt Christina Aguilera' s version in E minor, forbidden game Ginette Reno' s version in E minor, and ABBA the Winner Takes It All Faith hill's version with Benny Anderson on the piano in Gb major and therefore we can speak of integrated parts of the song. MacArthur park song in D minor donna summer' s version is forcing me to write this research paper. While I was typing this paper , MacArthur park song was playing . This strengths the statement of Albert Einstein . However , Albert Einstein did not know how it works .

The scientists also believe learning two languages equally well can boost brain power. I strongly recommend that one of these two languages must be English , for English stimulates your brain and English is the language of communication, business , freedom , independence ,knowledge , computer , internet , and music . Being bilingual may also protect your brain from damage if you have a stroke. Stroke is a serious illness that happens when blood flow to an area of the brain is cut off. The theory behind why bilingualism might be a protection factor is that involves a lot of Switching , which exercise the executive parts of the brain. This makes the brain stronger in the sense of the connections between the neurons. Executive functions are the mental skills involved in doing things like solving problems and planning. Briefly , The human brain hardware (neural Network) changes (switches) ;the computer hardware is fixed .Based on this scientific truth , our educational system must be built. The three steps of the learning process are recognition , comprehend , and storage. Switching from one language to another makes your brain stronger; good music and Ballads force you to create and invent.

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