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Computer, Robot, And The Human Brain

Computer, Robot, And The Human Brain. Is the robot real? Do we need robots?. At first, we are going to demonstrate computers, its arts, its usage,and two research points. Then, we are going to figure out robots, its kinds, its fields, and one research point. And then, we are going to try to discover the human brain and make a comparison between the human brain and the computer. At the end of this paper, we hope that we could answer the few questions that call fears in many human minds. Computers are calculating, programed machines that could make a logical decision. Computers have two main parts, which are the hardware and the software.The hardware is the electronic elements and others.The software is the programs which are executed by the hardware.The software prices are ten times higher than that of the hardware. A software engineer/developer builds castles of ice from nothing, his brain is the only thing he has . Computers are classified into three categories according to its speed, capacity, and usages . The first are Pcs and workstations . The second are servers , which are used in Networks ( 5000- 5 Million dollars). The third is the Super-computer , which is used in researches and data centers (few hundred million dollars for a unit). Here, we have to point the Quantum Computer out, which is under development and its basic idea is the use of the values 0,1, and both for the bit instead of 0 and 1, which I find unrealisable. Ten years ago, HP financed a project of new element at Berkeley university . The project aimed to produce a new electrical element to realize the idea of 0, 1, and both for the bit. No result came out. In the hope to develop a new processor , which is called the D-wave processor . We developed the G processor and a new design of the super-computer ( MATH for computer science part 5 Appendix B, Ashraf sobhi, 2021).

Robots are job-oriented machine that do only one job . They are unconscious, but they can do hard jobs humans cannot do it , such as go into fires , radiations, and sending robots to the space for long trips. They can do some jobs of the policeman and can also fight. Doctors managed to use robots in surgery.

Human brain consists of neurons (nerve cells) that take different shapes to solve a problem or plan to do something. Technically, The hardware of the brain changes for every software; the computer hardware is fixed (Human brain and learning, Ashraf Sobhi, 2019). New software needs new computers. Human are conscious, computers and robots are not.

Conclusion, computers and robots are programed machines. A software engineer/developer builds casetls of ice from nothing, his brain is the only thing he has .


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