The DNA is a chain (sequence) of the elements A, B, and C , each of which has different colour. We can express the DNA as sequence : x1, x2, . . ., xn of a set H
function X : x ∈ X → H . ( MATH for computer science part one, Ashraf Sobhi, 2021)
An algorithm estimate the element by its colour and prints the corresponding letter out. A computer uses a sensor to differentiate between colours.
At the end of the DNA chain , there is a part its length estimate the average age of the generation. We can measure it and an algorithm can prints its age.
We develop the family tree using a four gene assumption . Two genes are black and two genes are white. These genes have the physical appearance and others. See the following figure.
We have the four main human races, which are the European , the African , the Asian and the others, as we can see todays. The DNA is unique for each human. The humans share a particular sequence of the chain, the family share a particular sequence of the chain subset F ⊆ H , the African share a particular sequence of the chain the subset A ⊆ H , the European share a particular sequence of the chain the subset E ⊆ H, the Asian share a particular sequence of the chain the subset S ⊆ H and the latin and native American share a particular sequence of the chain the subset N ⊆ H .
We can do operations on the sequence to find any relation we want. For example, the American managed to calculate the genetics of a person by using the DNA test (person p : e % E, a % A, n % N).
Briefly, the DNA is unique for each human. We can do operations on the sequence to find relations and other things.